Monday, June 7, 2010


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                          (2045 edition)

  Reformed United

HeadquartersInternational territory in Brasilia,

Official languagesArabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
210 member states
 - Secretary-GeneralEvo Morales
 - United Nations Charter signed26 June 1945 
 - Entry into force of Charter24 October 1945 

Reformed United Nations Organisation (RUNO) or simply Reformed United Nations (RUN) is an international organisation whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, environmental restoration, and the maintenance of world peace. The older UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue, and became the Reformed United Nations (RUN) in 2027. It contains multiple subsidiary organisations to carry out its missions. [ holov - r.u.n. hist ]

There are currently 210 member states, including nearly every sovereign state in the world. From its offices around the world, the RUN and its specialised agencies decide on substantive and administrative issues in regular meetings held throughout the year. The organisation has six principal organs: the General Assembly (the main deliberative assembly); the Security Council (for deciding certain resolutions for peace and security, with rotating two-year memberships); the Economic and Social Council (for assisting in promoting international economic and social cooperation and development); the Secretariat (for providing studies, information, and facilities needed by the RUN); the International Court of Justice (the primary judicial organ); and the Reformed United Nations Trusteeship Council (which is currently inactive). Other prominent RUN System agencies include the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), the World Food Programme (WFP), and Reformed United Nations Children's Fund (RUNICEF). The organization is financed from assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states, and has six official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

Based upon the original United Nations (UN) organisation, the Reformed United Nations sprang into being in 2027, after the collapse of what was the United States of America. Which was  brought on by it's demise as a significant world power [ holov - u.s.a. collapse ], due to it's unsustainable corruption and militarism (similar to the old Soviet Union, in the 1980s), global warming sea-level rise, and subsequent environmental and societal upheavals in it. This necessitated a new centre and charter for the organisation.

It became apparent as early as 2003 to most of the world's countries, when the old USA engaged in an unprovoked war of aggression against the sovereign nation of Iraq, waged solely in support of corporate profits for it's and other European countries oil and military-industrial corporate entities, [] that the old United Nations organisation was ineffective in it's stated aims. As the USA further devolved into overt corporate rule, it caused significant problems to the global economic system (from it's deregulated financial sector in 2007-2017), and global ecosystems (from it's deregulated energy sector, and the resulting disastrous oil gushers in the Gulf of Mexico, which poisoned that entire body of water [], and which spread north through the Atlantic Ocean, from 2010 to 2014). Due to these factors, as well as it's continued profligate and unchanging emissions of greenhouse gasses, in 2019, the other major world powers, China, Russia, India, UNASUR (the union of South American nations), and finally, much of Europe were forced to band together economically and militarily, to isolate the USA and it's client state Israel, in the Middle East (Israel of course, best being known for it's complete breakdown into a terrorist state, engaging in piracy against other countries efforts to help the starving Palestinians during their cruel blockade of it's suffering population from 2007 to 2012) [].

By 2020, it became apparent that the acceleration of global warming, brought about by continued release of  Carbon Dioxide and Methane from global reliance on fossil fuels for energy and transport, was underway when even vasters amounts of these gasses were released from melting permafrost and wildfires in the boreal forests of North America, Scandinavia, Russia, and Siberia [ holov - borealfires ].  A "positive feedback" mechanism, exacerbated also by tropical deforestation. The warming from this caused the coastal glaciers of Greenland and the northern Canadian Arctic islands to break loose from their land-bases. As these slid into their surrounding waters, global sea-level rises of seven metres occurred by 2028. This caused global breakdowns in the transport of food, oil and industrial supplies due to the inundation of all the major seaports world-wide [ holov - sealevelrise ]. It was during the years from 2020 to 2035 that the global population actually declined from it's peak of 7.8 billion, to 4.5 billion, through mass starvation and disease, societal upheaval, and warfare. Heroic efforts by the UN, and then the RUN to help support the rapidly changing infrastructure, and resettle hundreds of millions of refugees on every continent displaced from coastal areas, were undertaken. Resettlement continues to this day, of millions of refugees annually to inland areas, especially in northern Russia, Siberia, and northern North America, where new agricultural colonies are developing, in the warmer climates in these areas.

When civil war ensued in the old USA in 2025 between the "southern" states, including Texas, and the rest of the country, over access to resources (especially the oil, gas, minerals, timber, and fisheries from resource-rich Alaska), and neo-fascist corporate-supported christian fundamentalist groups' opposition to social-democratic legislation, the coalition of China, Russia, UNASUR, and India provided economic and materiel support to the non-southern states. After two years of destructive warfare, in which it is estimated that 15 million  U.S. civilians were killed, and many cities across the southern and eastern states, and Alaska ravaged, several coalitions of old USA states and Indigenous nations emerged, and brokered for peace. These new coalitions had also engaged in secret talks with neighbouring Canadian provinces, and the new Bolivarian Socialist Republic of Aztlan (formerly Mexico).  When the treaties of the New North America were signed and ratified by all the new coalitions in Toronto, with RUN aid in 2030, the map of North America changed irrevocably, bringing peace to this section of the World, and those areas previously affected by it's former militarism. As with all the nuclear weapons from the other countries of the World, those of the old USA and Israel were stockpiled for eventual dismantlement with the others at the RUN disposal facility, in Western Australia [ holov - nucleardisp ].

As the old USA city of New York began to be inundated, along with the rest of the major global coastal cities, between 2020 and 2028, the other countries of the UN, and then the RUN, decided to fund and build a new centre in the inland city of Brasilia, UNASUR (formerly the capital of Brasil). [ holov - newcentre ]. Progress on building and developing the centre was slow, due to the major upheavals caused by the rapid global sea-level rises. But by 2044, the new centre was fully dedicated in a globally holovised ceremony,  which was watched by an estimated one-half of the surviving global population [ holov - rundedic ].

The RUN continues today in it's stated aims of the promotion of global peace, stability, environmental restoration, and economic and social development. As well as in it's aid to the hundreds of millions of refugees from the global environmental upheavals of the past two and a half decades [ holov - refugees ]. RUN officials estimate it will be many more decades before climate stabilisation efforts are able to successfully restore stability to the global climate system, ravaged by so many decades of unchecked emissions of GHG's (greenhouse gasses). [ holov - climstabil ].

Now that significant portions of the economies of all the major World powers are no longer devoted to defense/military spending, the RUN is allocated a larger budget from them, and plays a much larger role on the World stage, than did the older UN, before 2027.

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